What is Docker and How Does It Work?

GitHub is a repository hosting service well known for application development tools and as a platform that fosters collaboration and communication. Users of Docker Hub can create a repository (repo) that can hold many images. The repository can be public or private and linked to GitHub or BitBucket accounts.

What Is Docker

The acquisition included Enterprise, Docker Trusted Registry, Docker Universal Control Plane and Docker CLI as well as the commercial Docker Swarm product. Mirantis initially indicated it would shift its focus to Kubernetes and eventually end support for Docker Swarm but later reaffirmed its intent to support and develop new features for it. The remaining Docker Inc. company now focuses on Docker Desktop and Docker Hub. Find your perfect balance of collaboration, security, and support with a Docker subscription. Share your application with the world (or other developers on your team). Learn how to install Docker for Mac, Windows, or Linux and explore our developer tools.

What is a Docker container?

A container is defined by its image as well as any configuration options you
provide to it when you create or start it. When a container is removed, any changes to
its state that aren’t stored in persistent storage disappear. You can create, start, stop,
move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI. You can connect a
container to one or more networks, attach storage to it, or even create a new
image based on its current state. Docker Hub is a public
registry that anyone can use, and Docker looks for images on
Docker Hub by default.

What Is Docker

To know more how to install docker desktop refer to Docker Desktop Sample Image. A lightweight containerized technology like Docker makes moving applications across different environments easy. Docker can be easily deployed across multicloud IT infrastructure, which refers to cloud services docker what is it from more than one cloud vendor. Containers are lightweight virtualized runtime environments for running applications. A container represents a software package with code, system tools, runtime, libraries, dependencies, and configuration files required for running a specific application.


Containers simplify the development and delivery of distributed applications. They have become increasingly popular as organizations shift to cloud-native development and hybrid multicloud environments. Developers can create containers without Docker by working directly with capabilities built into Linux® and other operating systems, but Docker makes containerization faster and easier. As of this writing, Docker reported that over 20 million developers use the platform monthly3.

What Is Docker

Like other containerization technologies, including Kubernetes, Docker plays a crucial role in modern software development, specifically microservices architecture. Containers provide a means of enclosing an application, including its filesystem, into a single, replicable package. Both Docker containers and virtual machines are virtualization platforms, but they differ in their approach to virtualization. Unlike Virtual Machines, Docker uses the host OS’s kernel and libraries to provide an environment for containerized apps. This property makes containers less isolated than VMs but allows them to be faster and consume fewer resources. Containers are an abstraction at the app layer that packages code and dependencies together.

Docker terms and technologies

Each VM requires its own operating system, which can differ from the host’s. In this article, you will learn what Docker is, its essential components, and the pros and cons of using the platform. Docker plays an important role in CI/CD pipelines, enhancing the automation, consistency, and reliability of application builds and deployments.

Its ability to automate the deployment of containers has brought the technology to prominence. It offers the benefit of greater scalability in virtualized environments and allows for faster builds and testing by development teams. While a VM creates a whole virtual operating system, a container brings along only the files required to run integrations not running on the host computer. They can run lean by sharing the kernel of the system they run on, and where possible, they even share dependencies between apps. That means smoother performance, smaller application size and faster deployment.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

The Dockerfile is analogous to the requirements document, which simply has a set of instructions for building the container template. These virtual environments behave as if they are independent, separate entities, even though they share the resources of the underlying physical system. A container is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software.

What Is Docker

Docker’s broader goal was to build up its business with containers as a service, but eventually, these plans were overtaken by the rise of Kubernetes. More than 40 container industry providers are members of the Open Container Initiative, including AWS, Intel and Red Hat. Other major container platforms include OpenVZ, the oldest of the system container platforms originally developed by Virtuozzo. OpenVZ combines the small size and high speed of standard containers with the additional security of an abstracted OS layer. Organizations that use containers report many other benefits including improved app quality, faster response to market changes and more.

The benefits they bring to software development is similar to the benefits brought to the global economy by the humble shipping container. Allows developers to package applications with all parts needed such as libraries and other dependencies. Containers contain the whole kit required for an application, so the application can be run in an isolated way.

When you use the docker push command, Docker pushes
your image to your configured registry. Docker’s portability and lightweight nature also make it easy to dynamically
manage workloads, scaling up or tearing down applications and services as
business needs dictate, in near real time. The fact that Docker containers run as root by default can present a potential security problem. The benefits of Docker range from providing consistent and automated environments to conserving resources. They allow developers to work on the same application in different environments without affecting performance.

With standard container sizes, the packing density of goods you can move increases. So, every ship, freight train or truck can carry more goods during every trip, making it cheaper to move goods around the world. And finally, the Docker container is analogous to the physical shipping container. This requirement document will then be used to create a detailed template for the container which will include engineering drawings showing the dimensions and other specifications. Without standardised containers, cargo was often stored haphazardly in the holds of ships or in dockyards. This inefficient use of space meant that ships were not carrying as much cargo as they could potentially hold, leading to higher transportation costs.

  • After all, if one company’s containers didn’t fit on another company’s ship, truck, or freight train, they couldn’t be properly transported.
  • When you run a container, Docker creates a set of
    namespaces for that container.
  • Mirantis initially indicated it would shift its focus to Kubernetes and eventually end support for Docker Swarm but later reaffirmed its intent to support and develop new features for it.
  • Docker abstracts away the complexity of the underlying systems, making it easier for developers to create ready-to-run containerized applications.

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